Which one is better Kali Linux or termux ?

 Well to exactly make a comment on this question is easy what did you guess? Hard? No, absolutely not and before even diving into details and reasons, I am going to be straightforward Kali Linux is better than Termux in fact one of the best tools for penetration testing or hacking.

Stop! don't go yet, I answered it simply doesn't mean you should leave the post. You should really know why Kali Linux is over Termux and why it is a popular tool?

What is a Termux?

Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works directly with no rooting or setup required. A minimal base system is installed automatically - additional packages are available using the APT package manager.

What is Kali Linux?

Kali Linux is an open-source, Debian-based Linux distribution geared toward various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security Research, Computer Forensics, and Reverse Engineering.

Know more about Kali Linux :- what is kali Linux - penetration testing tool

What makes Kali Linux better than Termux?

NOTE:- Here i will mention about Kali Linux PC version because Kali Linux comes for android devices too.

You would probably know the term "POWER" that's it power is the key that makes Kali Linux a better tool than Termux. But am I really talking about the power of Kali Linux software? No, I am not. I am talking about the power of architecture, machine, and computer on which you are running your Kali Linux tool.

But if it is so then you might be wondering what makes Termux not stand in front of Kali Linux? See, Termux is designed specifically for android devices/systems whereas Kali Linux is designed for computers. Everyone knows, even the kid in your neighborhood knows that a Computer is much more powerful than an android device.

Because of the processor, and the processing speed, most of the heavy tasks are done on computers but not on android devices. Since the computer has a better processor and fast read and write ability, it can make faster decisions, it can do tasks faster and that's why Kali Linux wins the race.

Let's take an example that proves this thing, you all would be well aware of brute-force attacks and dictionary attacks where your machine tries every possible combination of numbers, alphabets, and special characters to decode/crack the correct password.

This process takes a lot of CPU consumption and speed, the more fast your CPU is, the faster it will crack the password and it is the scenario where mobile devices with termux fails to provide good speed and performance so that the machine can easily combine the correct combination to crack the password.

Major benefits of Kali Linux

In the end, the major reason for Kali Linux being the best tool is because of the vast variety of tools, and distributions it provides, also Kali Linux is revolving around the internet for years, earlier it used to be BackTrack. That is the only reason Termux stands nowhere in front of Kali Linux.


Therefore, even though mobile devices are portable and it is very easy to start the hacking session anywhere anytime at the tip of your fingers, still computers with Kali Linux win the race because of its good performance and better processor along with good read and write ability. So in my opinion, if you really want to go into the hacking field, use Kali Linux over the termux.

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