BruteForce Instagram using Kali Linux

 Bruteforce Instagram using Kali Linux and python script. Guess the password of the victim 

Hello my fellow hackers, welcome to another post on pen-testing. So today in this post we are going to learn how to hack/pen-test Instagram using brute-force attack with our favorite Kali-Linux.

Before we move further, if you are not aware of what is a brute force attack then let me tell you about it. Basically, a BruteForce attack is the combination of numbers, alphabets, special characters used to guess the password of a particular social network.

You can say it's a hit-and-trial method to guess the passwords. Once the right combinations take place BOOM! the victim's password appears on your screen.

In simple and clear terms a BruteForce attack, also known as an exhaustive search, is a cryptographic hack that relies on guessing possible combinations of a targeted password until the correct password is discovered. The longer the password, the more combinations that will need to be tested.

So, let's begin the guide, fire up the Kali-Linux and write some lines of programs in your terminal

Firstly we will update and upgrade our kali Linux system. So that if there is any missing dependencies or libraries, they will get installed using these commands.

Type: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

Downloading the hacking script

After that update gets to finish. We will download our hacking script for that you have to type the following command in your terminal.

git clone

Now we successfully cloned the program into our system, so we need to open the program.

Type: cd Instagram

Type: "ls" to see whats the inside the folder.

Here, you will find three things inside the folder. "Core", "" and "

The executable program here is ""

We need to execute the program now, by typing 


It seems, there are some errors, Doesn't this show up?

It's because you didn't set a password list for the attack.

Download the password list

Since it's a brute force attack we will need a list of passwords, with the help of which our system will make combinations using those passwords.

When you will open this link there will be a list of passwords. To save them on your computer, right-click it, click Save Page as, then save the text in a particular folder you want.

Download this pass list, it contains 10 million passwords at once. Remember that the bigger the list is, there is more successful chance of hacking Instagram.

Now open the terminal once again and type the following commands in your terminal.

cd Instagram

python Username Thetextfile.txt


Here, in place of username type the Instagram id of the victim, and in place of the text file type the path of your 10 million password list, or you can drag and drop the list file into the terminal at the place of the text file, it will automatically set the path for you.

For more understanding have a look at this picture.

Now we are at the end! The BruteForce attack has started, it will say the attempts and what password it is currently trying.

Well, It would take a long time depending upon the password of the victim. The stronger the password is, the more time it will take to place correct combinations. 

And voila !! when the correct combination takes palce victim's password will appear on your screen.

 PS:- It's a BruteForce attack there are chances of failures. If you don't get the password don't get disappointed, it means the password was not in the password list/dictionary.

NOTE:- Hacking is a crime. The tutorial provided in this post was for educational purposes only. None of the attacks were used to harm anyone. I have used my own device and Instagram id for this purpose. 


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