Blogger (Blogspot) Server Error 5xx: Indexing Issue, Fix, Update

 Blogspot Server Error 5xx: Indexing Issue, How to fix Server Error 5xx ? 

Hello guys, are you facing the same server 5xx Errors just like me?  Don't worry anymore. I have found a solution for everyone. I myself searched on numerous websites for the solution. I spent so many hours on youtube tried every kind of method and technique as YouTubers said. But at last, I still used to get server Error 5xx issue on running a Live Test. 

What's this issue? 

This is an issue from google not from any of the blogger templates, HTML code, or from the blogger's side. This issue Is from a conflict between the google search console and blogger. There is some kind of bug. Google is already taking this issue into the consideration but there is no surety that exactly how much time will it take for this issue to be get fixed. 

Its already been one month since this issue has been raised, nearly every blogger is facing the Server Error 5xx issue. Whenever we try to run a live test on any of our posts we get a server error 5xx message and it shows page fetched failed. 

Why it is necessary to fix this issue? 

The Server Error 5xx issue can really affect your sites, traffic, and ranking. If you don't fix this issue in time, you won't be able to index your pages on Google and it will make a huge impact on the traffic as well as on the reputation of your website. 

So it's necessary to fix this issue so that you can index your pages on google. 

How to Fix Server Error 5xx issue?

I don't know what the exact problem is but with my experience I have seen and observed somewhere it is because of the robot.txt file and the sitemap. I will tell you two ways, try both of them, and see if your issues are gone.

Updating sitemap

You would have already submitted a sitemap to your google search console. Just add this one too. Don't remove any other sitemap just add this one in the queue. 
Submit this sitemap and wait for some hours or at least for one day and re-check if the issue has gone. Just run a live test and if it shows's URL is available to google then it means the issue is fixed successfully.

Note : - don't change the robot.txt file in this method. Just update your sitemap only.

Updating robot.txt

If you are using a custom robot.txt file then remove that for now.  Use default robot.txt generated by blogger itself. Just turn off custom robot.txt and header tags. Uncheck both if they are enabled and wait for some days 1 or 2. Maye be this error get fixed and you don't have to face problems anymore.

At last, what I can say is there is no guarantee by following these methods your issue will be fixed for sure. Whatever methods I shared above were from my experience. My  Server Error 5xx was fixed in this way only. 

If you still feel any problem drop a comment in the comment box. I will definitely love to help you guys who are facing the same problems like me.  

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