what is kali Linux - penetration testing tool

What is Kali Linux a penetration testing tool, uses, how does it works? 

That is the only reason cybercrime nowadays is not taking wide growth only but also its rate of affecting people over the internet is increasing tremendously too. Social engineering attacks,  phishing pages, brute-force attacks are being performed by most learner hackers and professional hackers all around the world. It is also the reason cybersecurity is being transformed to a better part. And to stop these cybercrimes and their tremendous increasing rate.

Further, there is a wide variety of hacking tools used by these hackers and learners to attack a particular user. And hack his/her device, social accounts, bank accounts, etc.

So today in this post we will talk about one of the popular tools used by hackers. To hack people's accounts And steal their data.

Professionals that use Kali Linux

  • Security Administrators - Security administrators use this tool not to only safeguard their institution's information and data but also they use Kali Linux to ensure there is a safe environment and there is no discoverable vulnerability too.
  • Network Administrators - Network administrators are popular for maintaining an efficient and smooth network with stability. Kali Linux is in terms of use for them to enhance their network.
  • Pen Testers - Pen Testers use Kali Linux to inspect environments and also perform reconnaissance on corporate environments which they hire to review.
  • White Hat Hackers - White Hat Hackers, more like pen testers use Kali Linux to examine and find out vulnerabilities that may be present in an environment.
  • Black Hat Hackers - Black Hat Hackers, use Kali Linux to discover and exploit vulnerabilities. Kali Linux also has numerous social engineer applications. Which might used by a black hat hacker to hack an individual or an organization.
  • Grey Hat Hackers - Grey Hat Hackers, known to be lie in between White Hat and Black Hat Hackers. They use kali Linux like the methods described above.
  • Computer Enthusiast / Tech Enthusiast / Learner - Anyone who falls in this category means to be taking interest in learning about computers, networking, devices basically these people use kali Linux to learn about Information Technology, networking, and common vulnerabilities.

Why it is important to know/learn about the hacking tool?

Before we move further let me make you aware of the fact that to know and learn about this popular tool is necessary because, it is for testing purposes to find vulnerabilities in your device, social media accounts , and also your other important files and Data.

It can be useful to learn about the techniques used by the hackers to lure the victim and hack their phones/accounts also it is useful as "PENETRATION TESTING TOOL" or  "VULNERABILITY FINDER"

With the help of this tool , you can perform a security hack over your android/pc device, social media accounts to check If there is any kind of vulnerability in your device which might be a chance for hackers to take command over your things. Similarly, it will also help you to gain great knowledge about hacking.

kali-Linux: penetration testing tool

Kali Linux is the tool I was talking about. It is one of the most popular and widely used penetration testing tool used by professional hackers, learners, white hat hackers, black hat hackers, and many more. In fact, with the help of Kali Linux, you can find vulnerabilities in your device and social media handles as well as you can save yourself from hacking. Kali Linux is an open-source Linux based distribution 

Kali comes up with a vast variety of tools pre-installed in it so that users can make the most possible benefits and enable their work easier and more stable.

It helps security and IT professionals to assess the security of their systems also it stands in a top position of information gathering tool.

From luring the victims to making a brute-force attack on victims' accounts kali Linux holds an impulsive power within itself. It can perform several pen testing attacks at the same time. It can also perform various DDOS attacks on websites and can hack into a device giving a user/ hacker full access to the victim's device.

ALSO READ :https://techphoneix.blogspot.com/2021/09/exfoliative-cheilitis-cure-treatment.html


  1. Information Gathering
  2. Vulnerability Analysis
  3. Wireless Attacks
  4. Web Applications
  5. Exploitation Tools
  6. Stress Testing
  7. Forensics Tools
  8. Sniffing & Spoofing
  9. Password Attacks
  10. Maintaining Access
  11. Reverse Engineering
  12. Reporting Tools
  13. Hardware Hacking

Some of the most popular and most widely used tools in kali Linux 











There are many ways to install kali Linux on pc it can also run live through a bootable Pendrive. And with the same bootable Pendrive, you can install it directly into your pc.

To know about how to make a bootable Pendrive please refer to this post-https://techphoneix.blogspot.com/2021/06/to-make-windows-os-bootable-for.html  download kali Linux ISO image from link provided and make a bootable Pendrive with kali OS using Rufus ( visit referred link for full details)

After you complete all the processes and make a kali Linux OS bootable Pendrive place the Pendrive, in your USB port and restart your computer. Put it into BIOS mode however make necessary changes to boot from USB. (search on the internet for your bios mode and its setting options to enable boot from USB option ).

Kali Linux Installation Procedure


➤ To begin the installation process, firstly you have to boot your chosen installation medium and. You will see a screen like this as shown below.

➤ Choose either Graphical install or install (Text-Mode). In this example, we will go up with the graphical install because its interface is much better.


➤ Now select the language you want to continue your installation.

➤ Note that this language will be both for the setup installation process. And after that when you will start using the kali Linux too this language will be the default one.

Specify your geographical location.

Select your keyboard layout 


The setup will try to detect your network interfaces, looks for a DHCP service. And then it prompts you to type/enter a hostname for your system like we have entered Kali as our hostname.

User Accounts

Next,  create the user account for the system (Full name, username and strong password).


Now, set your time zone.


➤ The installer setup will now take you to your disks (Hard disks/SSD). And it will offer you various choices depending on the setup.

➤ In my guide, I am using a clean disk, so we have four options here to pick from. We will select the entire disk, as this is the single boot installation for Kali Linux. So we don't want any other operating system installed, hence we can wipe our data and disk.

➤ If in case there is another operating system already installed on your device, it needs to make two separate partitions of the disk, one in which the previous OS is present other in which Kali Linux is present.

➤ For this, an extra option might be present (Guided - Use the largest continuous free space) than the example below

➤It will instruct the setup not to alter any existing data, which is perfect for the dual-booting into another operating system. As we are having a clean disk with no other existing data this option is not visible to us.

users with experience can use the “Manual” partitioning method for more granular configuration options, which we will cover more in our BTRFS guide.

Select the disk for partitioning

Depending on your needs as well as choices you can choose to keep all your files in a single partition - the default - or to have separate partitions for one or more of the top-level directories.

If you’re not sure which you want, you want “All files in one partition”.

Next, you will have one last chance to review your disk configuration before the installer makes irreversible changes. and After that click on Continue, the installer will go to work and you’ll have an almost finished installation.

you can select which metapackages you would like to install. The default selections will install a standard Kali Linux system and you don’t really have to change anything here.

Confirm to install the GRUB boot loader.

Select the hard drive to install the GRUB bootloader in (it does not by default select any drive).


Finally, click Continue to reboot into your new Kali Linux installation.

So what was the conclusion behind this discussion about this great tool? with the help of our post we wanted to tell you how hackers use these kinds of tools and techniques to take over victims' systems/devices/social media accounts.

And now with the help of this discussion, you are aware of hacking and how you can stop yourself from being hacked. Install kali Linux and try to figure out vulnerabilities in your device.




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