Adsense approval easily on Blogger & WordPress

 Hello bloggers, and fellow members out there reading this post. Today we are going to discuss how you can easily take Adsense approval for your new blog website or any general-purpose website.

We will be discussing how you can take Adsense approval for blogger sites and other websites based on WordPress or made from scratch.

Getting Adsense approval is not such a big deal as it used to be earlier. If you follow the right steps, and guidelines that AdSense has written on its FAQ page trust me no one can stop you from getting AdSense approval in the very first attempt.

Before we move further in this post, I would like to introduce you to some basic Adsense policies which state that, sites having these types of content or niches will not be appreciated for Adsense ads. Because Adsense is very picky when it comes to policy breakdown and irrelevant content.

List of websites that Adesne will not approve

Adult content or Pornography websites

Adsense will never approve these types of websites having adult content or pornographic actions. So if you are in a plan to request AdSense approval for this kind of website, drop the plan asap!

Illegal Hacking content website

Teaching how to hack computers, machines, devices, and accounts was never an issue for google as well as for AdSense, but the problem is promoting hacking, illegal hacking actions, and promoting everyone to hack real accounts for self-purpose and wrong intentions will never let you run Adsense ads on your website.

This is the very important thing, most of the people get confused here, because even though they are uploading legal hacking courses/posts on their site still they don't get approved. In my opinion, there is no problem if you are posting legal hacking materials on your site, but never write hacking blogs on-site unless you get approval from the AdSense.

If you really want to go with the hacking niche first try to write different topics and as soon as you get the AdSense approval you can start writing your hacking material.

Incomplete Site or Site under construction

If your site is new and it's incomplete you might face issues getting approval. The best way to ensure that your site is fully constructed and full fills all the requirements is to properly make navigation menus such as "About Us", "Privacy & Policy", and "Terms & Conditions". You should definitely create these pages on your site.

Also, don't forget to remove ads banner that is visible on your template, and remove unwanted links, tags unnecessary categories, and pictures. Also, don't forget to replace social media handle links with yours.

No content/low-quality content

Having no content or low quantity content is one of the major reasons you may be deprived of the ad's approval.

What is low quantity/ no content?

Those blogs/websites having very few posts(content) or no posts at all are considered as low-quality content. Also, blogs with duplicate content, content copied from other sites, with no originality at all are never meant to be approved by google adsense.

Note :- Always, write original content, don't copy from other websites on google otherwise centuries will run behind but you won't get the approval from google.

Adsense approval for blogger websites

So now when you are well aware, of all the prerequisites along with the google AdSense policies, and factors to run ads on your site, I will move further by telling you how you can easily take adsense approval for blogger site.

Use a good template

Template plays an important role, having a good clean and light template comes in google's priority of approving websites. There are many free templates available on the internet for blogger download it and install it on your blogger website.

Make good navigation menus with proper "About Us", "Privacy & Policy", "Terms & Conditions" pages. Do write original content, and make sure to post regularly.

Avoid common keywords/content present in bulk | Use rare keywords which don't have sufficient content on google

Do take care of minimum posts before you apply for the google adsense approval, maintain 25 posts, originally written in your words with meaningful information, and don't write content that is already present on google in a huge number.

For example, let's take SEO keyword, suppose there are 2M sites that already posted content on SEO, and you are doing the same, Google will not appreciate that. Why someone will ever go to your SEO content when there are already many sites that published this content a long ago.

Adsense approval for WordPress websites

All rules and regulations followed for blogger sites will be followed for WordPress sites too. There is nothing too fancy in WordPress sites. 

But still, there is major advice never use null/cracked themes on WordPress sites and you are all good for adsense approval. 

So, that's all. Hope you guys would have liked the content. Do follow the blog for more exciting posts/content. See ya!  

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